Thursday 24 November 2011

Reasons of Myopia 孩童近视的原因

Good vision in a child is important since more than 80% of the information a child receives is through vision. However, some children are extremely myopic (nearsighted) at a young age due to early exposure to television, computer, mobile phone games, not only lead to radiation issue but may affects the children's eyes and is detrimental to their vision
Basically, there are three major reasons (in addition to genetic reason) causing myopia, amblyopia and strabismus occurs in children:
1. Refractive errors
Referring to children writing technique (how they hold a pencil), reading or watching television in incorrect posture, poor light or watching television, using computer or playing games in long period of time, some even like to read books while walking or in a moving car, these may easily affect vision.
2. Nutrition Imbalance
Unbalanced child's nutritional intake easily leads to amblyopia and strabismus. Excessive intake of foods high in sugar, such as beverages, ice cream, etc., and do not eat vegetables and other bad habits, may lead to decrease of children's vision.
3. Kidney

Children cannot maintain nutritional balance may lead to weak kidney. It is very important for growing children to have balance nutrition. Thus, let the children eat soy products, milk, vegetables, carrot in order to enhance a child's diet condition. Try to avoid sweets.


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