Glukusking (Roselle)

Hurix's Glukusking made of Roselle that has been tagged as "Floral Ruby", its main ingredient consists of Vitamin C in high volume, also contains finest quality glucose powder imported from France, which could be easily absored by the body, and provides energy effectively. It is delicious, a natural nutritional food supplement without preservative, artificial coloring and granulated sugar that is suitable for all ages.

Anthocyanin enhances body resistance, it acts as anti-oxidant, anti-radiation and prevent aging. Anthocyanin helps to maintain good eyesight and it is also diuretic. It can improves blood circulation and makes skin smooth.

Roselle rich in Vitamin C, protein, organic acid, amino acid, vitamins and minerals such as iron, calcium and phosphorus. It helps to strengthen the body.




Your modern living inevitably exposes you to Environmental changes, Air pollution, Climate anomalies, Busy lifestyle, Work pressure/Heavy home work, Emotional Stress, Lack of exercises & Unhealthy lifestyle. You may gradually run out of energy and feel fatigue, because your immune system becomes weaker!!

Don't Worry, HURIX'S GLUKUSKING-ROSELLE, can helps you avoid the condition.
作为现代人难免遇到环境变化,空气污染,气候异常,生活忙碌,工作压力大/ 学业繁重,情绪紧张,缺乏运动和生活不规律。而你是否渐渐精神消退,疲惫乏力, 那是因为你的免疫力降低了!!

别担心, 好力葡萄王-洛神花, 可以帮你避免以上状况!!!