Glukusking (Kiwi)

Hurix's Glukusking- Kiwi is a high quality pure dextrose monohydrate powder imported from France. It is a natural food supplement without preservatives, artificial coloring and granulated sugar.

- helps in strengthening bones and teeth
- promotes healthy skin and activating enzymes that convert food into energy
- promotes better nerve and muscle functioning

Vitamin D
- assists in absorption and use of calcium and phosphorus
- assists in mineralization of bones and development of strong bones.
- enhance body immune system

Vitamin C
- boosts iron absorption
- promotes collagen formation
- boosts body immune system
- acts as an antioxidant


- 有助于强健骨骼和牙齿
- 协助维持健康的皮肤, 启动酶将食物转化为能量
- 促进人体神经系统和肌肉的正常运作

- 有助于吸收钙质及磷
- 协助骨骼矿化及成长
- 增强免疫系统

- 提升铁质的吸收
- 促进胶原蛋白合成
- 增强人体免疫系统
- 抗氧化作用

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