Glukusking (Beta Carotene)

Hurix's Glukusking is a high quality Dextrose Monohydrate powder imported from France. It is a natural food supplement without preservatives, artificial colouring and granulated sugar. Hurix's Glukusking can be absorbed by human body directly to provide instant energy.

Hurix's Glukusking (Beta Carotene) contains beta carotene for maintenance of good health, also helps in maintenance of growth, vision and youthful skin.

Hurix's Glukusking is also a good substitute for sugar in preparing beverages and baking cakes. It is suitable to be consumed by people of all ages.




Newly added with delicious fresh orange is enriched with β- Carotene,a powerful antioxidant which could destroy free radicals, it also helps to prevent eye problems and enhance skin condition.
  • Brainworkers and overnight workers including professionals and students
  • Regular computer users
  • Sport lovers
  • Those with weak vision
  • Those with dry and rough skin
现今推出天然鲜橙味的好力葡萄王,它不但美味可口,而且富含 β-胡萝卜素,一种可消除体内自由基抗氧化剂,能维持眼睛和皮肤的健康
  • 常用脑力及熬夜读书的学生
  • 长期操作电脑者
  • 爱好运视力衰弱者
  • 动者
  • 皮肤干燥或粗糙者