Wednesday 19 October 2011

Beta Carotene 胡萝卜素

What is Beta-Carotene?

Beta-carotene is one of a group of natural chemicals known as carotenes or carotenoids, which are highly pigmented (red, orange, yellow), fat-soluble compounds naturally present in many fruits, grains, oils, and vegetables (green plants, carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, spinach, apricots, and green peppers).

Beta carotene is converted in the body to vitamin A. Vitamin A serves several biological functions including involvement in the synthesis of certain glycoproteins. Vitamin A deficiency leads to abnormal bone development, disorders of the reproductive system, xerophthalmia (a drying condition of the cornea of the eye), and ultimately death. It is also an antioxidant, like vitamins E and C.

Beta-carotene is converted to retinol, which is essential for vision and is subsequently converted to retinoic acid, which is used for processes involving growth and cell differentiation.

Why Do People Use Beta-Carotene?

  • Prevention against cancer and heart disease

  • Like a natural eye drops, helps to keep the cornea lubricated and transparency, and promote eye health.

  • To slow the progression of cataracts

  • To prevent macular degeneration

  • One of the most effective anti-oxidant to against free radical

  • To boost immunity

  • To protect the skin against sunburn

  • Asthma

  • Depression

  • Infertility

  • Parkinson’s disease

  • Psoriasis

  • Arthritis








  • 预防癌症和心疾病

  • 犹如天然眼药水,帮助保持眼角膜的润滑及透明度,促进眼睛的健康

  • 减缓白内障的进展

  • 防止黄斑变性

  • 对抗自由基最有效的抗氧化剂之一 

  • 增强免疫能力

  • 保护皮肤免受晒伤

  • 哮喘

  • 抑郁

  • 不孕不育

  • 帕金森氏症

  • 银屑病

  • 关节炎

Source 资料源自:

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